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Tips on Treating Lyme Diseases

Over the years, there have been quite a number of diseases that are being found and Lyme Disease is among such. Just so you will be able to assure that you will get to learn more about Lyme disease, the things we have along should give you a heads up. The cause of which is from a bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato B. This basically is transmitted to humans from a bite of a deer tick or a black-legged tick. This type of disease most likely is taken over from a mice or deer that is infected with such disease in the first place.

So that the disease will be transmitted to the human, the tick has to stay present on the skin for at least 24 to 48 hours. Most of the people who are diagnosed with this claim to have no memory of being bitten. However, people who has a pet at home usually are more likely to be infected with Lyme disease.

Generally speaking, this type of disease is divided into three stages of infection or symptoms. Early localized, early disseminated, as well as the late disseminated are what sums up the three stages of infection.

In the early localized disease, this usually appears a week or two after the initial bite. You could easily tell by seeing a “bull’s eye” rash on the skin, which means that bacteria is multiplying in the bloodstream. The rash will most likely appear on the bitten area. The center of the bite will have a red spot that is clear and its surrounding area should have redness at the edges. What makes this hard to identify in the first place is that this will not feel itchy or painful. After four weeks, the rash will usually go away.

After a few weeks of no treatment, the bacteria should spread throughout the body and will lead to more problems that is associated to a flu-like symptom like chills, fever, sore throat, changes in the vision, lymph node enlargement, headaches, and even muscle aches. Basically speaking, the infected person will not be feeling well.

Should the problem is still untreated, the development of which to late dissemination will take place. This includes severe headaches, arthritis, disturbance in the heart rhythm, disorders in the brain, difficulty in concentration, numbness in the arms, hands, and feet, and the list goes on.

Prior treatment, an assessment of both physical and health history will be needed. Most of the antibacterial over the counter medication will suffice, which includes doxycycline for adults, as well as amoxicillin and cefuroxime for younger children and mothers who are nursing.

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