Take Advantage Of All The Iphone Has To Offer

If you just got an iPhone, you’re probably enjoying it, but you’re also probably struggling to master your phone’s numerous features. Don’t be paralyzed with fear! Just read the suggestions in the following paragraph. Soon, you’ll have mastered your iPhone.

You can use the phone’s volume buttons for operating the camera, as well as the headphone cord. Press the button on the cord when you are ready. This will help you ensure you don’t shake your phone and create a blurry picture.

Reminders Based

Siri allows you to set reminders based on your location. Siri already gives reminders based on a pre-set time. You now say “Siri, please remind me when I arrive home to phone work.” As soon as the iPhone detects that you are home, it will activate the reminder. That way, if you have no idea when you will reach home, you are still going to have …