Agencies offering call girls are basically companies that are providing female companionship mostly for sexual services. The agency typically arranges a meeting between one of their agents and the client either at the hotel room or outcall or at the residence of the girl themselves or incall. In fact, there are agencies that are providing extended period of service if the client wishes to have the girl travel with them on a business trip or holiday or even stay with the client.
And due to the reason that the agency is paid fee for this booking and dispatch service, it is integral for the customer to negotiate for added arrangements or fees directly to the girl for any other services that are not offered by the agency such as sexual services.
Some of these agencies claim that the girls being dispatched are only to provide conversational or social service instead of purely sexual service. The reason for this is that, laws surrounding prostitution forbids taking payment for sexual intercourse or even communicating for the purpose of arranging a sexual contract. These agencies are posting ads that skirt legal life all too often and avoiding to provide sexual services or even prostitution. Well the truth is, this is relatively common among police as well as political powers to which prostitution is deemed illegal. On the other hand, many people see this to be hypocrite particularly where governments license and also, tax the said agencies.
Oftentimes, agencies are recruiting women to work as call girls by means of placing an employment ad in the newspaper or magazine. Normally, these agencies are maintaining the list of female companion of different appearances and ages in order to meet the needs of different clients. Then again, some other agencies are dealing with specific services such as female for female, female for male and even female for few male agencies.
Referrals from friends who’ve been in the same business is the most common way of how girls get into this industry. The effectiveness of advertisements in specialized or weeklies sites are questioned by other operators because there are lots of them that have been diluted. The girl will have to provide a pose or photograph in front of the photographer the moment the agency has decided to hire her. These photos are posted either on the agency’s website or have it circulate among clients to promote business.
Some of the bigger and more established agencies maintain websites with a photo gallery of all the girls under their payroll. Clients do contact the agencies via phone and offer a description of what kind of girl they want and from there, the agency will suggest girls who fit their needs.