Trucking Industry Forecast 2023

Trucking is an essential component of the transportation business in the United States. It is critical for permitting the speedy and effective transit of commodities across the country, which improves overall economic performance. According to the American Trucking Association, this business makes a lot of money and moves 10 billion kg of commodities every year. In the trucking sector, there are shippers, freight brokers, vehicle drivers, and freight carriers. Manufacturers, distributors, and retailers are linked via specialized supply chains managed by these groups. Given that automobiles move more than 70% of the nation’s freight, it is clear that the transportation business is critical to the overall economy. It is the supply chain’s backbone, allowing firms to thrive across the United States.

Let’s examine some enticing transportation statistics and determine how they will impact growth in 2023.

The Current Situation in the Trucking Industry 

Key Statistics and Trends in 2022

The …

Make Your Event a Grand Success With Mobile Apps

Planning an event is a challenging task where you need to take a lot of things into consideration. A single mistake can lead massive mishaps thereby, turning the event to a big failure. Though marketers spend a good amount of money on event arrangements, however, they didn’t get the expected results every time. Thus, they are looking out for better ways of marketing and, mobile apps have become greatly popular these days.

Nowadays, many global events offer an app to their attendees for stimulating customer engagement. Mobile apps are capable of offering an elite-class experience to attendees thereby, making them stay connected with the event planners. Keeping this in mind, let’s discuss on some of the benefits of having an app for your event.

Building a Buzz for the Event
Creating a buzz leads you to drive more people to attend your event. Sharing news of the upcoming event with …