Work-Life Balance Benefits That Attract Millennial Employees

In today’s workforce, 50% of the employees are Millennials, and they are rapidly changing the culture of corporations across the globe. Before accepting a position, 80% of these workers give serious thought to how the job will affect their work-life balance. They want to work hard at their job and still have the resources to care for themselves and their family. If you’re a manager who wants to attract Millennials to your company, give some thought to incorporating some of these benefits to meet their need for balance.

Family Life Benefits

Over half of the Millennials have children, so attractive benefits to them are paid parental leave, childcare and educational assistance. Those who don’t have kids yet probably have a pet or two. They look for corporations that offer pet insurance as a benefit.

Flexible Work Environment

Millennials challenge the long office hours of their parents and prefer careers that …