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Know the Types of Pay Stub Templates

Workers payment can bring satisfaction or animosity. If anything is done wrongly, the employer stands to lose some money or face complaints from the employees. Precision and care ,therefore, have to be put during payment of employees to avoid either of the two scenarios. One of the most important documents an employer provides to the employees is a pay stub. A pay stub is a document an employee gets showing the breakdown of the payment the employer has made to the employee’s account.

Pay stub details given by many companies are almost similar. Customization can, however, be done on a pay stub by a company to its specifics. Some customization would be such as inclusion of the company’s name and logo. Employers are for this reason supposed to find a way of producing uniform pay stub for all their employees.

Nothing is as important in any firm during the preparation of pay stubs than the pay stub templates. A lot of time is spent making pay stubs for companies without pay stub templates. A lot of money is also spent by the companies that outsource for pay stubs. All this hustle can be gotten rid of by simply buying or downloading pay stub templates.

There are a few thing a person needs to know before downloading a pay stub template for printing. Two pay stub templates are commonly used all over the world. The two pay stub templates are; that for use with word and the other for use with excel. There are differences between these two templates even though they might seem similar.

The word pay stub template is smaller to download and easy to use. Changing the title of the columns and rows is an easy task. Other customizations you will be required to do on the word stub template is inserting your company logo, the header and the right employee information for each individual. The rest of the details are set for you and all you need to do is fill in the figures of the employee’s payment breakdown. For calculations on this template you may have to do it manually or use the F9 functional key.

It is also easy to use the excel pay stub template. Similarly, in the excel pay stub template, you have to fill in details such as the company logo, name and employees details. After this, you can then fill in the employee’s payment breakdown. What differentiates the excel template from the word template is the fact that the excel template is able to do all the calculations for you. Filling in the figures Is al a person is supposed to do.

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